What is Root of Sin? King Question to Minister

One day King asked his minister, “What is the root of sin?” Minister gave answers but it couldn’t satisfy King. King said, “I give you one month to find right answer and if you are not able to find answer within time then you have to leave your post of minister.” Minister got upset listening … Read more

Basket Thrown in River – Saint and Old Woman Story

Basket Thrown in River - Saint and Old Woman Story

Once upon a time, a saint was living in a small hut in a forest. There was a river nearby. Saint used to chant God name all day long and was living happily eating fruits found in forest. Near his hut, big bamboo trees had grown a lot. Saint knew how to make baskets from … Read more

Swan and Crow Story about Impact of One’s Company

Swan and Crow Story about Impact of One's Company

Once a hunter went hunting, did not find any prey, got tired and fell asleep under a tree. Wind was blowing, so shadow of tree was increasing and decreasing due to branches moving back and forth. A beautiful swan was flying from there, that swan saw that this poor person was getting disturbed and sun … Read more

King Question to Kid Playing with Clay Toys

King Question to Kid Playing with Clay Toys

Once a King went to visit the city. On way, he saw a small child whispering something into the ears of clay toys and then breaking them and mixing them with the rest of soil. King asked in surprised, “What are you doing?” Kid replied, “I ask clay toys, have you ever chanted name of … Read more

Master Ji Lesson to Boys Arguing – Different Point of View

Master Ji Lesson to Boys Arguing - Different Point of View

Master ji was teaching in class, when sound of two children fighting with each other started coming from behind. Listening to that, Master ji asked, “What happened? Why are you fighting like this?” Raman said, “Sir, Mohit is adamant about his point and is not ready to listen to me.” Mohit said, “Sir, What Raman … Read more

Is Evil Created by God? Student Answer to Professor

Evil is Created by God? Student Answer to Professor

One day, a professor asked his students, “Whatever exists in this world, God has created it.. Right?” Everyone said, “Yes.” Professor said, “This means that even evil is created by God.” When professor said this, a student stood up and said, “Sir, don’t reach this conclusion so quickly.” Professor said, “Why? Everyone agreed that everything … Read more

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